Revolutionize Your Business with AR Solutions

Experience the Power of AR Solutions to Enhance Your Business Operations. Explore immersive AR solutions in AR, VR & XR technologies.

AR Solutions

At VeeRuby, we provide state-of-the-art AR solutions that can transform the way you do business. Our team of experts can help you leverage the power of augmented reality to streamline your processes, increase efficiency, and enhance customer engagement. With our cutting-edge technology and innovative approach, we can help you stay ahead of the competition.

Our Services

AR App Development

We design and develop custom AR applications that can be used for marketing, training, and more.

AR Content Creation
Our team of skilled designers and animators can create stunning AR content to captivate your audience.
AR Integration
We can seamlessly integrate AR technology into your existing systems and processes to enhance functionality and performance.
AR Consultancy
Our experienced consultants can provide guidance and advice on utilizing AR technology best to meet your business goals.
AR Maintenance
We offer ongoing maintenance and support to ensure your AR solutions are always up-to-date and performing at their best.

Our Process

Our AR solutions are designed with your unique needs in mind. We start by understanding your business goals and objectives and then develop a customized AR strategy to help you achieve them. Our process includes the following steps.


We start by learning about your business and your goals for your AR project. We’ll work with you to understand your audience and identify the best opportunities for AR.


We’ll create a tailored strategy for your AR solution based on our discovery phase. We’ll identify the best technologies and platforms to use and create a roadmap for development.


Our team of designers will create stunning, custom AR experiences that align with your brand and engage your audience.


Our developers will bring your AR solution to life, using the latest software and tools to ensure optimal performance and functionality.

Testing & Launch

We’ll thoroughly test your AR solution to ensure it meets your expectations and performs flawlessly. Once we’re confident in the product, we’ll launch it for your audience to enjoy.

Our Work Examples

Here are just a few examples of our recent AR projects
A virtual try-on experience for a cosmetics brand
An interactive product showcase for a luxury car manufacturer
A location-based AR game for a popular restaurant chain
An augmented reality museum exhibit for a historical site
A training simulation for a medical device company

Why Invest in AR Solutions

  • Competitive Advantage: AR solutions can provide a competitive advantage by enhancing the customer experience and differentiating your brand.
  • Increased Engagement: AR solutions can increase customer engagement and retention by providing an interactive and immersive experience.
  • Cost Savings: AR solutions can reduce costs by providing virtual training and simulations, reducing the need for physical equipment and travel expenses.
  • ROI: AR solutions can provide a high ROI by increasing customer engagement and retention, reducing costs, and improving productivity.
  • Future-proofing: AR solutions are rapidly becoming a mainstream technology, and investing in them now can future-proof your business and keep you ahead of the curve.

Statistics of ROI for AR Solutions

  • According to a study by Deloitte, 88% of companies that have implemented AR solutions have reported a positive ROI.
  • A study by PTC found that companies that use AR solutions have reported an increase in efficiency by 32%.
  • According to a report by Goldman Sachs, the AR market is expected to grow to $80 billion by 2025.
  • A study by Harvard Business Review found that companies that use AR solutions have reported a 25% increase in employee productivity.
  • According to a report by Digi-Capital, the AR market is expected to reach $115 billion by 2024.

Benefits of AR Solutions

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: AR solutions can enhance the customer experience by providing an interactive and immersive experience that is more engaging than traditional methods.
  • Increased Brand Awareness: AR solutions can increase brand awareness by providing a unique and memorable experience that sets your brand apart.
  • Improved Training: AR solutions can provide virtual training and simulations that are more effective and cost-efficient than traditional methods.
  • Increased Efficiency: AR solutions can increase efficiency by providing real-time data and reducing the need for physical equipment and travel expenses.
  • Increased Sales: AR solutions can increase sales by providing a unique and memorable shopping experience that encourages customers to purchase.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level with our cutting-edge AR solutions?

Contact us today to learn how we can help you enhance your customer experience, increase engagement, and future-proof your business.

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